November 8, 2013

Brighton 9 Months : Atlanta, GA Baby Photographer

We met on a BEAUTIFUL fall day out at Piedmont Park for Brighton’s 9 month photos. Brighton is one of my “First Year” babies, so I look forward to seeing her every 3 months for her pictures. She was born the day after my little guy, so when it  comes time to schedule her photos, it always reminds me how quickly this first year is going by and that soon our babies are going to be a year old! I wish I could stop time! Brighton is a little ham for the camera. She loves to smile and stick out that tongue. She also just started to crawl! Enjoy the pictures of sweet Brighton!Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer family photos Atlanta skyline family portrait Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer Piedmont Park baby photographer